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Providing safe, reliable as the integral of Hazardous Materials and Waste

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Our partner-client relationship allows us to be constantly growing

Environmental Policy

responsabilidadSIMARI (Sistemas Integrales para el Manejo de Residuos Industriales) is involved in diverse action fields which impact the environment through different productive processes; considered as fundamental to our company. We are committed to the continuous improvement of the performance of our environmental responsibility.

SIMARI knows that the actions focused on the socio-economic development of the country, can be followed by tasks assigned to preserve and protect the environment. This, in turn, contributes to improving the quality of life of the inhabitants of specific locations where our company operates. All our efforts are consistent and supported by a sustainable plan.


The main objective of SIMARI's Environmental Policy is:

"To apply the best conservation and environmental protection practices in each of our plans, programs, and operation."


The basic principles that rule our Environmental Policy are


SIMARI is committed to incorporating all procedures guaranteeing an effective National and State environmental legislation compliance, within the defined terms. This will make our incorporation into the World Trade Organization environmental directives easier.


The environmental conservation and protection is one of the most important priorities for SIMARI, at any stage/phase of its processes and at any geographical/operative area. SIMARI is committed to promoting actions to reach a sustainable development; caring for the community, for the natural resources, and supporting practices to use the non-renewable resources in a rational way. At the same time, we respect the bio-diversity and the ecosystems interdependence..


SIMARI is committed to evaluating the potential environmental implications of each of its projects while incorporating the consideration and moderation of all the environmental variables from the planning phase to the final phase. As a result, SIMARI favors the alternatives that represent a friendly practice for the environment – compatible with the corresponding economic framework of each location. We implement the necessary measures to prevent or reduce the negative impacts for the ecology, by applying valuable environmental tools; such as our special monitoring plans and environmental audits.


In case SIMARI causes eventual damage to the environment, it will be mitigated in an efficient and appropriate way, through the adoption of the environmental administration of the operative areas. These are supported by monitoring plans and environmental control strategies. The use of suitable specific tools, such as preventive measures, will help us to keep in mind the complex and dynamic nature of the environment, and the need to keep the ecological balance, prior to any corrective measure occurring.


SIMARI is committed to providing the data and the opportune information to the authorities, non-government organizations, and the public in general that request it. This in regard to its Environmental Policy, to its operative activities and the environmental components of its plans and projects; SIMARI appropriately attends and takes into consideration the initiatives, concerns, and points of view that are sensitive for the community in environmental matters. We also commit to contribute to the population's environmental education, including social, economic, personal hygiene and cultural aspects.


SIMARI is committed to permanently supporting research projects. These projects are performed to improve the environment conservation and protection. Those projects will always be related to the operations, development and appropriate adjustment of technologies, to improve the environmental quality of its industrial processes.


SIMARI is committed to training and qualifying its human resources in the topics related to the environmental conservation and protection. We will emphasize the achievement of satisfactory environmental administration practices, and the effective introduction of preventive, corrective and mitigating measures. SIMARI will also provide the corresponding facilities and appropriate resources to correctly apply the environmental programs and develop its officials.


SIMARI demands a strong commitment from its officials to perform all their activities in strict compliance with the above-mentioned Environmental Policy. The officials are also required to keep a diligent attitude, allowing for the detection and attention on special situations that cause –or could cause- any damage to the environment. Our officials will be able to propose effective measures in special cases. In case those measures are adopted, they will be responsible for the correct and efficient application of the same ones. This is all based on an ethics environmental framework that is shared with the company and all its human resources.



Manuel López Cotilla
No. 835 Colonia del Valle
México, D.F., C.P. 03100
Tel. and Fax: 56 82 58 76
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Av. Central Norte No.1,
Lote 5, Manzana 832,
Parque Industrial Tepeji, Tepeji del Río de Ocampo,  Edo. de Hgo, C.P. 42890
Phone: 01-773-731-03-20

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