Sistemas Integrales en el Manejo de Residuos Industriales, S. de R.L. was created through the integration with Hazardous Waste Management leader companies, providing the experience...
Our mission consists on providing with safety, in a reliable way and at the most competitive costs and quality Hazardous Waste and Materials management that fully satisfies our client’s specific needs,...
Our company wants to be developed as an active partner of our clients, to participate in a decisive way in the success of their respective business.
Manuel López Cotilla
No. 835 Colonia del Valle
México, D.F., C.P. 03100
Tel. and Fax: 56 82 58 76
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Av. Central Norte No.1,
Lote 5, Manzana 832,
Parque Industrial Tepeji, Tepeji del Río de Ocampo, Edo. de Hgo, C.P. 42890
Phone: 01-773-731-03-20
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