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Thermal Oxidation


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Providing safe, reliable as the integral of Hazardous Materials and Waste

Thermal Oxidation

Waste incineration is a very old practice primarily carried out with rudimentary methods, as it was the simple fact of firing a dry leaves heap. These practices became highly polluting, for what they were gradually substituted by more complex and more efficient processes, until getting to the modern and advanced incineration systems that exist at the present time.

Our company has one of the most advanced and efficient Incineration Plants in Latin America located in Tepeji del Río, Hidalgo, with a current Destruction Capacity of 35 tons per day, authorized to destroy all the waste listed in norm NOM-052-SEMARNAT-2005, with the exception of radioactive waste, explosive waste and organic chlorine compounds above 47,500 parts per million.



Incineration Process Diagram

The incineration process has been designed to operate in a permanent way 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Up to four trailers can be received and downloaded at the same time. Waste feeding is carried out inside the process area, while the waste destruction is carried out in the incineration chambers, located in the exterior, in the back part of the Plant.


The incineration process is carried out in controlled air equipment, specially designed for Hazardous Waste, which is destroyed at temperatures of 1800°F in the Primary Chamber and whose volume decreases in 96%, thereby generating inert ashes, which are sent to a Controlled Landfill in a periodic form.


This efficiency is achieved due to a coolant refrigerated vibrating floor, that guarantees the homogeneous waste destruction whose performance, the same as that of all the equipments that are part of the incineration system is automatically monitored and controlled. However, each Shift Manager has been qualified to control and correct any abnormality reported in the control room.

All the resulting gases of the Incineration process are washed by a humid gases washer, or inversed jet (Scrubber), which was designed, built and guaranteed by Monsanto Enviro-Chem Dynawave. This type of Scrubber exceeds the design requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States of America (EPA).

Finally, the saturated steam current coming from the Scrubber is driven through a Condenser, in order to eliminate the humidity of the steam, transforming it into dry steam, which once again is driven toward a Dust Bag Collector made of 264 bags, with automatic cleaning; this equipment guarantees the reception of suspended micro particles in the gassy current before being expelled through a fan toward the atmosphere.


Manuel López Cotilla
No. 835 Colonia del Valle
México, D.F., C.P. 03100
Tel. and Fax: 56 82 58 76
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Av. Central Norte No.1,
Lote 5, Manzana 832,
Parque Industrial Tepeji, Tepeji del Río de Ocampo,  Edo. de Hgo, C.P. 42890
Phone: 01-773-731-03-20

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